校友组织 & 奖
所有大学毕业生自动成为校友会会员. All Association members receive the Range Rider and other 校友 mailings and communications.
This governing body for the 校友会 meets regularly and assists in structuring alumni-related programming. 这个由21名成员(最多)组成的工作委员会代表了各种各样的人口统计数据. 他们每年见面4-5次. 每一位成员都对董事会的成功不可或缺.
校友会理事会, 与校友参与办公室合作, seeks to communicate with alumni and to provide avenues for alumni to continue and further their relationship with HSU and with others among the 25,在世界各地有5000名校友.
The Hardin Simmons 青年协会 (BYA) is a select group of alumni who volunteer to help HSU achieve its mission. Members are under the age of 40 and passionate about providing quality education in a Christian environment for all HSU students.
The Board is involved in many areas including but not limited to; assisting in recruitment, 筹款, 促进学术卓越和学生领导能力, 鼓励校友支持和参与, 并根据要求为项目和活动提供协助.
Membership is offered to applicants who are three years past their graduation date and under the age of 40. 成员总数不超过75人. Membership to the Board is granted upon invitation through the BYA membership committee with the approval of the University and Board of Trustees.
发展委员会由校友组成, 费用, 以及希望支持中文博彩平台的朋友们. 董事会成员通过颁发学生奖学金来支持大学, 促进意识, 引起兴趣, 并为大学提供财政支持. The Vice President for Engagement and Advancement serves as the administrative officer for the Board. 董事会会议在返校节和春季举行.
校友服务奖是哈佛大学可以授予的最高校友荣誉. It has been presented since 1943 to former student(s) who has contributed the most in his or her field of endeavor toward the betterment of HSU, 或者谁为大学做出了最大的贡献. 奖 are selected by a committee whose members are established by a campus leadership role.
2023约翰·J. Keeter,小. 校友服务奖
小Filemon Ortiz., ’66
Filemon Ortiz, graduated from Hardin-Simmons大学 in 1966 with a BS in Spanish and History. 他于1974年获得瑟古德·马歇尔法学院的法律学位. 在德尔里奥, 德州, 他曾在私人诊所工作, 曾任市检察官和市法官, 是佛得县的县检察官. 他目前在奥尔蒂斯律师事务所执业 & 奥尔蒂斯律师事务所. 他是Del Rio 's Amistad Rookie Baseball League的创始成员和董事, Asociación de Ayuda communityaria, 以及德尔里奥的基督徒协会, 并担任墨西哥驻德里奥领事馆的律师. 在HSU, Filemon was a member of the Los Rancheros Spanish Club and worked with area Hispanic church youth. 从2014年到2022年,他是HSU的受托人,现在是发展委员会的成员. Filemon和Maria Elina结婚54年了. 他们有三个孩子和六个孙子. |
这个奖项, 自1970年以来, is presented to alumni whose personal and professional accomplishments are exemplary of the ideals and aims of the University and thus bring honor to HSU. 奖 are selected by a committee whose members are established by a campus leadership role.
Dr. 科比·布恩,2000年
科比特·布恩就读于中文博彩平台, 他于2000年毕业,获得生物学学士学位,辅修化学和领导力. In 2005, 他获得了德克萨斯大学医学院的医学博士学位, then completed residency and a fellowship at the University of 德州 Health Science Center at Tyler. 他一直是西南运动医学的初级保健运动医学医师 & 自2009年起在韦科从事骨科工作. 高中时,科比特成为了鹰级童子军. 在HSU, 他四年都在参加足球比赛, 帮助他的球队赢得了三次联盟冠军,并在大四时担任队长. 他是二年级学生会主席, 初四班, 学生群体, Tau Alpha Phi和Beta Beta Beta. 近年来,他曾在中大校友会董事局任职. 科比特和他的妻子斯蒂芬妮有三个孩子. |
Candy (Thweatt) Noble 1983年
Candy Noble于1983年毕业于HSU,获得教育BBS学位. After years as a homemaker, in 2018, she ran for and won election to 德州 House District 89. 现在是她的第三个任期, Representative Noble is a strong voice for conservative causes and serves on the important House Ways and Means and Human Services committees. 作为一名HSU学生, Candy是学生代表大会和三披社的活跃分子, 曾担任牛仔活动委员会主席, 还入选了名人录. 毕业后, she has served on the HSU 发展委员会 and 青年协会 and is currently a member of the school’s Board of Trustees. 坎蒂来自一个与大学校关系密切的家庭:她的父亲, 五个兄弟, 两个女儿, 还有个女婿从这所学校毕业. 坎迪与罗伯特结婚40年,育有3个女儿和9个孙子孙女. |
Dr. 加兰·"布伦特"·华莱士,98年
Brent Wallace于1998年毕业于Hardin-Simmons大学,获得市场营销学士学位. He has since earned a Master of Arts in Human Communication and a Graduate Certificate in Conflict Resolution and Mediation from Abilene Christian University and a Doctor of Philosophy in Higher Education 政府 from 德州 Tech University. 自2014年以来, Brent has served as the 11th President and first Chancellor of the North Central 德州 College District, 在担任教学副校长和首席学术官之后. Earlier positions in higher education included Dean of Instruction and Chair of the Business Management Division at Cisco College. Brent is currently the secretary/treasurer of the 德州 Association of 社区 大学 and chairs the 社区 and Technical 大学 Joint Formula Funding Advisory Committee. 在他的社区里, 他在多个地方委员会任职, 是他教堂的执事兼钢琴家, 并在州和全国高等教育会议上发表演讲. |
Recipients of the 杰出青年校友 Award have achieved a significant level of distinction within their chosen field or have brought extraordinary benefit to the world. 它们反映了今天大学生和校友的素质和水平. 在他们被选中的时候, recipients have graduated from Hardin-Simmons not more than 20 years prior and are not over the age of 45.
夫人. 12岁的Sarah (Wesley) Cameron
Sarah Cameron于2012年毕业于HSU,获得社会工作BBS学位. 毕业后, 她回到亚利桑那州的家,开始在“希望之手”工作, a Christian pregnancy center where she assisted women as an advocate for their health and healing. In 2014, Sarah and her husband Alec felt God’s call to become licensed foster care parents. 经过多次寄养后, 主带领一群兄弟姐妹来到莎拉和亚历克身边,他们现在是永远的一家人. Sarah works as a foster care trainer at Christian Family Care Agency where she uses her hands-on-experience as a foster parent to teach, 装备和支持下一代寄养家庭. She also works at Sage Creek Ranch Events as an event manager where she creates experiences that make her clients feel seen and heard, 让他们的活动尽可能的特别. 莎拉和亚历克有三个女儿和一个儿子. 这家人去第二英里教堂做礼拜. |
Dr. 乔丹·丹尼尔07
Jordan Daniel于2007年获得运动、健身和休闲研究的BBS学位.E. 2008年获得体育和娱乐管理硕士学位. 2013年,他获得博士学位.D. 从事娱乐、公园和旅游科学研究&米大学. Jordan is an associate professor in the department of kinesiology at Angelo State University. 最初于2013年被聘为人体运动学教练, 他已晋升为教授. He has presented at multiple conferences and published or co-published numerous articles in the sports and recreation arena. 在俄亥俄州立大学期间,乔丹为牛仔队效力,并在2007年担任队长. He was an ambassador in the leadership program and served as a resident assistant in Anderson Hall. Jordan and his wife Jill have three daughters and are members of Southland Baptist Church in San Angelo. |
Dr. Ben Lovvorn ' 04
Ben Lovvorn serves as the Executive Pastor of First Baptist Church Dallas where he leads and oversees all matters related to the church’s ministry, 政府, 和操作. 洛夫沃恩还领导着达拉斯联邦广播公司的全球广播部, 胜利之路, 哪个节目在1点播出,000个广播电台和11,000 cable and satellite systems and serves as the President of First Dallas Media which owns and operates one of the most listened to Christian radio stations in the country. Ben于2004年毕业于HSU,获得工商管理学士学位. 他于2007年获得贝勒大学法学院的法学博士学位,并完成了博士学位.D. 于2023年12月毕业于利伯缇大学,担任基督教事工领袖. 在HSU, Ben received the Outstanding Management Student Award and the John Wood Award in Business Ethics. 他为牛仔队踢足球, 赢得两次ASC冠军, 并入选了全美大学生体育协会学术代表队. 本和他的妻子帕里斯有四个儿子和一个女儿. |
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